30% off i-genie Live chat platform

In today’s digital age, it’s important for businesses to have a strong online presence and effective communication channels with their customers. One of the most popular ways to achieve this is through live chat platforms. These platforms allow businesses to engage with their customers in real-time, providing quick and efficient support.

One such live chat platform is i-genie, and we are currently offering a fantastic discount for new sign-ups. Until May 31st, 2023, i-genie is offering a 30% discount to all new customers who sign up for their services.There’s a 7 days trial.

This is an excellent opportunity for businesses of all sizes to take advantage of the many benefits that i-genie has to offer. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, i-genie is designed to enhance customer communication and increase customer satisfaction.

One of the key benefits of i-genie is its ability to provide instant customer support. With the platform’s live chat feature, businesses can respond to customer inquiries and concerns in real-time, ensuring that their customers feel valued and heard.

Additionally, i-genie offers a range of customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs. From chatbot integrations to branding customization, i-genie can be customized to fit the unique needs of any business.

Another benefit of i-genie is its analytics and reporting capabilities. The platform provides detailed insights into customer interactions and behavior, allowing businesses to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction.

With the 30% discount offered by i-genie, businesses can take advantage of all these features and more at a reduced cost. This is a great opportunity for businesses that are looking to improve their customer communication and increase customer satisfaction without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, i-genie is a powerful live chat platform that can help businesses enhance their online presence and improve customer communication. With the 30% discount offered until May 31st, 2023, now is the perfect time for businesses to sign up and take advantage of all that i-genie has to offer.

Top 10 Live chat Systems in UK

As businesses continue to move online, providing excellent customer service is becoming more and more crucial. One of the best ways to improve customer service and increase sales is by implementing a live chat system on your website. Live chat allows customers to quickly and easily connect with your business, ask questions, and get the help they need.

There are many live chat systems available in the UK, each with its own set of features and benefits. In this article, we’ll explore ten of the most popular live chat systems that businesses in the UK might consider.

LiveChat is a user-friendly live chat system that offers real-time chat, chatbots, and co-browsing. With LiveChat, you can easily customize the look and feel of your chat widget to match your brand. LiveChat also offers a range of integrations, including with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot, as well as eCommerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce.

Intercom is a popular live chat system that offers a range of features, including live chat, email, and social media messaging. With Intercom, you can easily track and manage all of your customer interactions in one place, making it easier to provide a consistent and personalized experience. Intercom also offers a range of integrations, allowing you to connect your live chat with other tools like CRM software or help desk software.

Zendesk Chat
Zendesk Chat is a powerful live chat system that offers a range of features, including real-time chat, chatbots, and proactive messaging. With Zendesk Chat, you can easily manage all of your customer interactions in one place, making it easier to provide personalized support. Zendesk Chat also offers a range of integrations, including with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot.

I-Genie is a UK-based provider of live chat and online customer engagement solutions for businesses. The company offers a range of services, including live chat, chatbots, co-browsing, and video chat, as well as integrations with popular CRM and helpdesk software. One of the unique features of I-Genie is its team of experienced live chat operators, who can provide a fully managed live chat service for businesses that want to outsource their customer service.

Tawk.to is a free live chat system that offers real-time chat, ticketing, and video chat. With Tawk.to, you can easily customize the look and feel of your chat widget to match your brand. Tawk.to also offers a range of integrations, including with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot.

Pure Chat
Pure Chat is a simple and easy-to-use live chat system that offers real-time chat and chatbots. With Pure Chat, you can easily customize the look and feel of your chat widget to match your brand. Pure Chat also offers a range of integrations, including with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot.

Olark is a popular live chat system that offers real-time chat, chatbots, and co-browsing. With Olark, you can easily customize the look and feel of your chat widget to match your brand. Olark also offers a range of integrations, including with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot.

ClickDesk is a powerful live chat system that offers real-time chat, chatbots, and video chat. With ClickDesk, you can easily manage all of your customer interactions in one place, making it easier to provide personalized support. ClickDesk also offers a range of integrations, including with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot.

Freshchat is a user-friendly live chat system that offers real-time chat, chatbots, and proactive messaging. With Freshchat, you can easily customize the look and feel of your chat widget to match your brand. Freshchat also offers a range of integrations, including with popular CRM software like Salesforce and HubSpot.

Comm100 Live Chat
Comm100 Live Chat is a comprehensive live chat system that offers real-time chat, chatbots, and co-browsing. With Comm100 Live Chat, you can easily manage all of your customer interactions in one place, making it easier to provide personalized support.

How Live Chat platforms are revolutionizing customer service in th …

In the past, the primary way for customers to contact companies was through phone or email. However, with the rise of the digital age, live chat platforms have become a game-changer in customer service. Live chat allows customers to communicate with businesses in real-time, providing instant responses to inquiries and resolving issues quickly. In this article, we’ll explore how live chat platforms are revolutionizing customer service in the digital age.

Enhanced Customer Experience
Live chat platforms provide customers with instant access to customer service agents. This means that customers no longer have to wait for long periods on hold or wait days for an email response. With live chat, customers can get the help they need within minutes, improving their overall experience with the company. Moreover, live chat allows customers to multitask while waiting for a response, which is not possible when waiting on hold on the phone. Customers can continue with their work while waiting for a response, leading to a more efficient and satisfactory experience.

Increased Efficiency
For businesses, live chat platforms can increase efficiency in customer service. With a live chat platform, customer service agents can handle multiple chat requests simultaneously, resulting in faster response times and reduced wait times for customers. Additionally, live chat platforms can provide businesses with valuable insights into customer needs and preferences. Businesses can collect and analyze chat data to identify patterns in customer inquiries, which can help them make improvements in their products and services.

Cost-Effective Solution
Live chat platforms are a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to improve their customer service. Compared to phone or email support, live chat requires fewer resources and allows businesses to handle a larger volume of customer inquiries. Additionally, live chat platforms often have automation features that can handle routine inquiries, reducing the workload for customer service agents. This automation can also help reduce the cost of customer service, allowing businesses to allocate their resources to other areas of their operations.

Personalized Support
Live chat platforms allow for personalized support that can enhance the customer experience. Customer service agents can use chat data to provide customized solutions to customer inquiries. For example, if a customer frequently asks about a particular product, a customer service agent can provide targeted information about that product. Personalized support can help build customer loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.

24/7 Availability
One of the most significant benefits of live chat platforms is that they offer 24/7 availability. With live chat, businesses can provide support to customers around the clock, regardless of time zones or business hours. This availability can be particularly important for businesses that operate globally or have customers in different time zones. Additionally, 24/7 availability can help businesses provide timely support for urgent issues that require immediate attention.

Increased Sales
Live chat platforms can also increase sales for businesses. With live chat, customer service agents can provide personalized recommendations and assist customers in making purchasing decisions. Additionally, live chat can be used to upsell products or services, leading to increased revenue for businesses. By providing customers with a positive experience through live chat, businesses can build trust and loyalty, leading to increased sales and repeat business.

Improved Customer Feedback
Live chat platforms can also help businesses improve their customer feedback. Customer service agents can use live chat to gather feedback on products or services, allowing businesses to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, businesses can use live chat to address customer complaints and resolve issues before they escalate, leading to a more positive overall customer experience.

In conclusion, live chat platforms are revolutionizing customer service in the digital age. With benefits such as enhanced customer experience, increased efficiency, cost-effectiveness, personalized support, 24/7 availability, increased sales, and improved customer feedback, live chat has become a game-changer in customer service. Businesses that prioritize live chat in their customer service strategies can gain a competitive advantage