
What are saved replies?

Saved reply is a snippet of text that can be quickly added to the editor when replying to a customer or visitor.

It helps users/agents,

  • * Speed up the response time 
  • * Tackling those issues / messages that requires simple response 
  • * Provide consistent answers to common questions
  • * Manage multiple conversations in parallel

Use-Case scenario: 

Users probably get lots of routine questions that saved replies can help answer. Below are few instances where users can try out saved replies, 

  • * Hours of operation: “Thank you for asking! Our hours are Monday – Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. We look forward to seeing you in soon!”
  • * Holiday Hours: Yes! We will be closed on Christmas day but will be open until 4 pm on Christmas Eve. Do you have any items that you are shopping for specifically?”
  • * Hours for specific things: “Our lunch hours are from 11 am to 2 pm, but we serve breakfast all day – including our famous blueberry pancakes!”
  • * Details about special deals: “Yes! We are running our Black Friday sale starting at 9 pm on Thanksgiving Day. First come first served on all our specials, and you can get early access to what we will have available if you sign up for our email updates here”
  • * Your address: “We are located at 123 Any Street, Anywhere, ST 49505. We are right between Cliff and Garrett St. with the blue door. Come in any time we are open!”

How to access saved replies? 

There are two ways through which the users can access the saved replies, they are:

  • * Live chat screen: The user can access saved replies from the live chat screen by joining the conversation & clicking on ‘Bookmark’ sign or typing ‘/’ in chat window
  • * Settings tab: The other screen from where the user is able to access saved replies by going to ‘Settings > Live chat > Saved replies

Every saved reply will be shared across with all the users of the account, allowing them to use the same

Admin will have the ability to see which saved reply is being used most

What actions can be performed on saved replies? 

Users can perform the following actions on saved replies;

  • * Create: This functionality allows the users to create new saved replies that is shared across the account 
  • * Modify: This functionality allows users to modify existing saved replies
  • * Delete: This functionality allows the users to delete the existing saved replies