Using a test WhatsApp Business API account
Generally, the process of getting a WhatsApp Business API is quite lengthy.
So, if you are looking to test your WhatsApp Business API instantly or you want to test it for your superiors and stakeholders, follow the below-mentioned steps to get a test account to try your chatbot on WhatsApp.
Step 1: Send a ‘Start’ message to (+49 30 609 859 535), which is the 360Dialog Sandbox number (You will be using this number to test your WhatsApp chatbot)
Step 2: Copy the API key received on reply on sending the ‘Start’ text
Step 3: Now go to ‘Channel configuration > WhatsApp > Configuration’ and create a new configuration.
Step 4: Enter the “Phone Number’
Here you will need to enter the 360Dialog – Sandbox number (+49 30 609 859 535)
Step 5: Select ‘360Dialog’ as ‘WhatsApp Business API Provider’
Step 6: Select ‘Sandbox’ as the ‘Environment’
Step 7: Enter the API key received on the WhatsApp reply
Step 8: Click on ‘Save’ to save the changes
Step 9: Now, we have to connect this test account to your WhatsApp chatbot. To do this, go to the bot builder and select the bot you would like to test
Step 10: Click on ‘Trigger’ action block and choose the sandbox number that we just added, and hit ‘Deploy’
Once your chatbot is deployed, you can now begin testing your chatbot on WhatsApp by sending a message to the 360Dialog – Sandbox number.
Please note that the name of the account on WhatsApp would remain as ‘360Dialog’ as it is their test account.