
Modify qualification details on live chat

The users have the ability to modify the qualification details as per their preference i.e they can select the details that they would wish to view and the details that they would wish to hide. 

Users can perform the following actions; 

  • * Reorder 
  • * Hide or Show
  • * Create
  • * Delete


The users have the ability to reorder / rearrange the fields as per their preference.

In-order to do so, the user needs to click on ‘ top-down arrow’ on the left of the field and drag and drop to the desired position 

Hide or Show

Using this feature, the user can also hide or show the fields as per their preference. In-order to do so, the user can follow the following steps; 

1 – Click on ‘Edit’

2 – Click on ‘Eye’ icon appearing on the left of the field to hide / show the particular field

When you hide any particular field, it automatically goes to the bottom of the list

3 – Click on ‘Save’ to apply changes


This feature allows the users to create their own field and view the data by fetching it either from the variable or external source

In-order to create the custom field, the user can follow the following steps; 

1 – Click on ‘Add Detail’

2 – Give ‘Title / Name’ to the field

3 – Provide data source for the data to be collected from and reflected in the field

4 – Click on ‘Save’ to apply changes


This feature allows the user to delete any fields that they wish to as per their preference. In-order to delete any field, the user can follow the following steps; 

1 – Click on ‘Edit’

2 – Click on ‘Thrash’ icon appearing against the field name

You will only be able to delete custom fields and not system generated fields

3 – Click on ‘Save’ to apply changes