
Manage saved replies in i-genie

There are three actions that you can perform on saved replies. They are; 

  1. Create
  2. Modify 
  3. Delete

How do I create saved replies? 

Creating saved replies with i-genie is pretty easy. There are two ways through which the users can create saved labels. They are:

  1. 1. Through live chat screen
  2. 2. Through settings tab

Creating via live chat screen: 

Step 1:  ‘Join the conversation’ through ‘Live chat’ screen

Step 2: Click on ‘Bookmark’ to access the saved replies

Step 3: Click on ‘+ create saved reply’ to create saved reply 

Step 4: Give ‘title’ & define the ‘message or reply’ 

Step 5: Click on ‘Create’ to create saved reply

Creating via settings tab: 

Settings tab is one of the options from where the users can create their own saved replies as per their preference.

Step 1: Go to ‘Settings > Live Chat > Saved Replies’ to access the label screen 

Step 2: Click on ‘Create saved reply’ on the top right corner 

Step 3: Give ‘title’ & define the ‘message or reply’ 

Step 4: Click on ‘Create’ to create the saved reply

How do I modify saved replies? 

The users have the ability to modify the saved replies i.e at any given point of time, they can change the title or message of the saved reply as per their preference

There are two ways through which the users can modify the existing saved replies, they are:

  1. 1. Live chat screen
  2. 2. Settings tab

Modify via live chat screen: 

The users also have the ability to modify the saved replies through the live chat screen. They can follow the following steps in-order to modify the saved replies that they wish to change;

Step 1: Access the live chat screen 

Step 2: Join the conversation by clicking on ‘Join conversation’ 

Step 3: Access saved replies either by typing ‘/’ in the chat space or clicking on ‘bookmark’ icon

Step 4: ‘Hover’ over the saved reply that user would like to edit to see the edit options

Step 5: Click on ‘Pencil’ icon to edit the title / message of the saved reply

Step 6: Change or modify the title or message of the saved reply 

Step 7: Click on ‘Update’ to update the title or message of the saved reply

Modify via settings tab: 

Users can follow the following steps in-order to modify the existing saved replies through settings tab;

Step 1: Go to ‘Settings > Live chat > Saved replies’ to access the saved replies screen

Step 2: Click on ‘Edit’ option against the saved reply that user wants to modify

Step 3: Change or modify the title or message of the saved reply 

Step 4: Click on ‘Update’ to update the title or message of the saved reply

How to delete saved replies? 

The users have the ability to delete the saved replies at any given point of time i.e when the user feels that the saved reply has served the purpose and that it is not being used much, they can proceed with deleting the same.

There are two ways through which the users can delete saved replies, they are:

  1. 1.Live chat screen
  2. 2. Settings tab

Delete via Live chat screen: 

The users also have the ability to delete the saved replies through the live chat screen. They can follow the following steps in-order to delete the saved replies they wish to delete; 

Step 1: Access the live chat screen

Step 2: Join the conversation by clicking on ‘Join conversation’ 

Step 3: Access the saved replies either by typing ‘/’ in chat space or clicking on ‘bookmark’ icon

Step 4: ‘Hover’ over the saved reply that user would like to delete to see the delete option

Step 5: Click on ‘Trash’ icon to delete the saved reply

Step 6: Click on ‘Delete’ to delete the saved reply

Deleting via settings tab: 

Users can follow the following steps in-order to delete the existing saved reply through settings tab;

Step 1: Go to ‘Settings > Live chat > Saved replies’ to the saved replies screen

Step 2: Click on ‘Remove’ option against the saved reply that users want to remove or delete

Step 3: Provide the confirmation to delete the saved reply by clicking on ‘Delete’ 

In-order to delete multiple saved replies, the user can select the saved replies by checking the boxes on the left & then click on delete / remove on the top right corner

Saved replies once deleted will not be recovered again and the user will have to create the reply all over again.