
Manage labels in i-genie

There are thee actions that you can perform on labels. They are; 

  1. 1. Create
  2. 2. Modify 
  3. 3. Delete

How to create labels? 

Creating labels with WotNot is pretty easy. There are two ways through which the users can create labels, they are:

  1. 1. Through live chat screen
  2. 2. Through settings tab

Create via live chat screen: 

Users can follow the following steps to create the labels using live chat screen;

1 – Click on ‘+’ or ‘+ Create label’ icon

2 – Give name to the labelThe users can name the label as per their preference

3 – Click on ‘Save’ to create the label

The user can also click on ‘ + Create Another’. Doing so will automatically save the current label and allow the user to create a new label. This is useful when there are multiple labels that needs to be created

Create via settings tab: 

Settings tab is another area from where the users can create, modify & delete the labels as per their preferences.

User can follow following steps in-order to create the labels;

1 – Go to ‘Settings > live chat > labels’ to access the label screen

2 – Click on ‘create label’ on the top right corner

3 – Give name to the label

4 – Click on ‘Create’ to save the label

How to modify labels? 

The users have the ability to modify the created labels i.e at any given point of time, they can change the name of the labels as per their preference.

There are two ways through which the users can modify the existing labels, they are:

  1. 1. Live chat screen
  2. 2. Settings tab

Modify via live chat screen: 

The users also have the ability to modify the labels through the live chat screen. They can follow the following steps in-order to modify the labels that they wish to change;
1 – Access the live chat screen

2 – ‘Double click’ on the name of the label that users wish to change. Doing so will allow the user to ‘edit’ text

3 – Hit ‘Enter’ to save the changes

Modify via settings tab: 

Users can follow the following steps in-order to modify the existing labels through settings tab

1 – Go to ‘Settings > live chat > labels’ to access the label screen

2 – Click on ‘Edit’ option against the label that user wants to modify

3 – Change or modify the name of the existing label4Click on ‘Update’ to update the name of the label 

How to delete labels? 

The users have the ability to delete the labels at any given point of time i.e when the user feels that the label has served the purpose and that it is not being used much, they can proceed with deleting the same

There are two ways through which the users can delete the created labels, they are:

  1. 1. Live chat screen
  2. 2. Settings tab

Delete via live chat screen: 

The users also have the ability to delete the labels through the live chat screen. They can follow the following steps in-order to delete the labels that they wish to delete;

1 – Access the live chat screen

2 – Hover the mouse over the conversation count against the label that user wishes to delete to see the ‘Trash’ icon

3 – Click on ‘Trash’ icon to quick delete the label 

Delete via settings tab: 

Users can follow the following steps in-order to delete the existing labels through settings tab1Go to ‘Settings > Live chat > Labels’ to access the label screen2Click on ‘Remove’ option against the label that user wants to delete3Provide the confirmation to delete the label by clicking on ‘Delete’ 

In-order to delete multiple labels at once, the user can check the boxes assigned to the labels that they would like to delete and click on ‘delete’ at top right corner.