
Action Block: Sub Flow

Sub Flow action block allows you to break down larger chatbot flows into smaller manageable chunks.

Using the sub-flow helps in,

  • * Creating smaller manageable flows for each path
  • * Easier navigation between the conversation flow
  • * Easier onboarding of teams to the chatbot

Here are a couple of images to show you the difference between using sub-flow.

How do I set it up? 

Step 1: Add action block on canvas by clicking on ‘+’ 

Ideally, where you expect a long flow to come in you should use the sub-flow function 

Step 2: Choose Flow

Step 3: Enter flow

Now, to enter this sub-flow, you can either double click on the ‘Flow’ action block or open the action panel and click on the button ‘Enter flow’

Step 4: Build flow on the canvas

When you enter the sub-flow, it would look like this.

And here you can continue building your chatbot flow by clicking on “+” as you would otherwise.

You can create as many sub-flows as you want in the flow

You can navigate back to the other flows by using the home or the flow names visible here.