
Action Block: Fresh Desk

This feature is only available on the Business Plan

Freshdesk is a popular ticketing system used to manage tickets created by your users.

Using this Freshdesk integration, you will be able to,

  • * Create tickets on Freshdesk
  • * View existing ticket status from Freshdesk

How do I set it up? 

Step 1: Add action block on the canvas by clicking on ‘+’
Step 2: Choose Freshdesk
Step 3: Configure it on right panel

Click on the ‘Freshdesk’ action block to open the configuration panel on the right side of the screen. You can follow the following steps to configure the ‘Freshdesk’ action block.

Add your Freshdesk account, so that i-genie can push and pull information from your Freshdesk account.

First, you would need to add your account and fill in the Freshdesk account details i.e.

Once your Freshdesk account is connected, you can choose to perform the two actions supported by our Freshdesk integration i.e.

  1. 1. Creating new tickets
  2. 2. Fetching an existing ticket’ status

Creating Tickets: 

While creating tickets, you would need to map the Freshdesk fields with your WotNot variables.

In order to create a ticket, you would need the following fields mapped,

  1. 1. Subject
  2. 2. Email

The above mentioned fields are compulsory to create a ticket on Freshdesk. Although, you can map more fields if required

Fields from the ‘Freshdesk fields’ column will be auto populated 

View ticket status: 

To fetch an existing ticket’ status using this Freshdesk integration, we first need to collect the ticket number from the visitor using a “Collect Input” action block and save it in a variable.

On the right panel, choose the variable which contains the ticket number.

While fetching the status of the ticket number entered, i-genie will receive the following fields which the user can choose to save in i-genie variables to be rendered on the chatbot as a message.

  1. 1. cc_emails/fwd_emails/reply_cc_emails/ticket_cc_emails: [“”]
  2. 2. email_config_id
  3. 3. group_id
  4. 4. priority: “Urgent”
  5. 5. requester_id: 84005322544, // visitor’s unique Freshdesk ID
  6. 6. responder_id: null, // Freshdesk agent’s ID
  7. 7. source: “Portal”
  8. 8. company_id
  9. 9. status: “Open”
  10. 10. subject: “Need support to fix this…”
  11. 11. product_id
  12. 12. id
  13. 13.type: “Question”
  14. 14. due_by/fr_due_by
  15. 15. description_text: “Some details on the issue ..”
  16. 16. created_at: “2022-02-10T07:12:39Z”
  17. 17. updated_at: “2022-02-10T07:12:39Z”
  18. 18. tags

You can map the fields that you wish to save and use them in a “Send message” block to show the status of the ticket to the user.

Step 4: Define outcome

Every Freshdesk action block will have two outcomes – Success or failure.

You can define the success and failure actions as per your need.