
Action Block: Delay (Outbound)

Delay action block in outbound allows you to wait for a specific period of time before executing the next sequence of actions in the outbound flow.

Delay blocks are usually used along with the branch action block allowing you to pause and send follow up messages to the contact who have either seen the message or choose to ignore or to whom the messages have not been delivered. 

You can either add this block before branch action block or after branch action block. It can be added before if you would like to wait before sending the message or after to wait for the read status. 

What Delay Action Block can do? 

Delay can be added before or after an action with following units, 

  • * Hours 
  • * Days

This means that the next series of action will get triggered after X number of days or hours 

For instance, the numeric value here is 5 & option selected is hours; this means that from the next series of actions will be performed after 5 hours from the time campaign was activated

Click on ‘Queue’ will navigate you to contacts tab which highlights the contacts waiting to be executed